Videos - General Information

Video 15: What is the epididymis, and what is its function?
What is the epididymis, and what is its function? ما هو البربخ وما وظيفته؟ The epididymis is a coiled tube located on the back of

Video 14: What is the location of the testes, and what is their function?
What is the location of the testes, and what is their function? ما هي موقع الخصيتين، وما هو وظيفتهما؟ The testes, also known as testicles,

Video 13: What is an ultrasound?
What is an ultrasound? ما هو السونار؟ Ultrasound (US) is a crucial imaging technology widely utilized by urologists themselves. There are various types of US

Video 12: What is the normal flow of urine?
What is the normal flow of urine? ما هو التدفق الطبيعي للبول؟ A healthy urine flow is typically steady, continuous, and without discomfort. The specific

Video 11: What is the normal bladder capacity?
What is the normal bladder capacity? ما هي سعة المثانة الطبيعية؟ After consuming fluids, it typically takes around one hour for them to reach the

Video 10: What is the normal bladder capacity?
What is the normal bladder capacity? ما هي سعة المثانة الطبيعية؟ After consuming fluids, it typically takes around one hour for them to reach the

Video 2: My Clinic
My Clinic The opening shot of my urology clinic’s interior, showcasing a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Video 9: What is the normal size of the prostate?
What is the normal size of the prostate? ما هو الحجم الطبيعي للبروستاتا؟ The prostate is located in the pelvis, below the urinary bladder. The

Video 8: Who has a prostate and where is it located?
Who has a prostate and where is it located? من لديهم بروستاتا وأين تقع؟ Only male gender have prostate, and it is located in the

Video 7: What is the male reproductive system?
What is the male reproductive system? ما هو الجهاز التناسلي الذكري؟ The male reproductive system consists of the penis, testes, prostate, two seminal vesicles, and

Video 6: What is the typical size and structure of the kidney?
What is the typical size and structure of the kidney? ما هو الحجم والبنية النموذجية للكلية؟ The average adult kidney is approximately the size of

Video 5: Where the kidneys located?
Where are the kidneys located? أين توجد الكلى؟ In normal situations, human beings have two kidneys, which are located in the back of the abdominal

Video 4: Who is Urologist?
A doctor who deals with urology diseases such as: Urology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical conditions

Video 3: What is Urology?
Urology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical conditions and diseases of two types of organs: The first