Video 5: Where the kidneys located?

Where the kidneys located - Fariborz bagheri
Where are the kidneys located?
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In normal situations, human beings have two kidneys, which are located in the back of the abdominal cavity. In the front of the abdomen, we have the bowels, liver, and stomach. The kidneys are situated behind these organs, one on the left and one on the right side of the spine. Each kidney is connected to a ureter, which drains urine into the urinary bladder.
در شرایط عادی، انسان دارای دو کلیه است که در پشت حفره شکمی قرار دارند.
در جلوی شکم، روده، کبد و معده داریم. کلیه ها در پشت این اندام ها، یکی در سمت چپ و دیگری در سمت راست ستون فقرات قرار دارند.
هر کلیه به یک حالب متصل است که ادرار را به مثانه تخلیه می کند.


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