UAE Doctors Extract 7Cms Kidney Stone From A Man Weighing 180Kg

Doctors extract large kidney stone from 180kg man

A 50-year-old man weighing 180 kilograms underwent minimally invasive kidney surgery to remove a big deer-horn-shaped kidney stone which caused him flank pain and discomfort for over three years.

Dubai resident Umar had the huge 7cm kidney stone for the past few years. He had approached several hospitals in different countries. But due to the challenges of the operation and morbid obesity, doctors refused to perform the procedure. His weight was a risk factor, and he was asked to lose a few kilos before surgery.

However, he was unable to lose weight; his kidney stone grew and became like the shape of a deer horn, occupying most parts of the 10cm left kidney. He also had continuous left flank pain and recurrent urinary tract infections caused by the stone, negatively impacting his quality of life and daily job.

Umar was referred to the Urology Department at Dubai Hospital. Thorough examinations and preparations were conducted by the urology, cardiology and anesthesiology teams at the Hospital.

Doctors at Dubai Hospital perform surgery on Umar. Photo: Supplied

The team decided on the best course of treatment for Umar’s deteriorating health condition. Doctors performed a minimally invasive operation and extracted the stone.

Dr Fariborz Bagheri, a consultant urologist at Dubai Hospital who led the operation, said,“Umar was kept in a prone position and through a one cm skin incision, the big stone was fragmented into pieces and completely removed by the Urology team. The procedure took two hours, and he was discharged in good condition three days after the operation,”

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